CHILD Line Brochure | DISA Brochure | FCRA Fund Details | Brochure of CBID |


“Change your language to ‘what if it does work out’. Believe in possibilities. Think of the best-case scenario. Re-training your mind will lift you higher out of the overthinking, stress and worry of negative habitual thoughts. Change starts with your mindset. (

Children in the remote rural and tribal areas cannot wait now. They need immediate attention for their physical, intellectual, social and moral growth. They shall be equipped with all the skills needed for their empowerment and holistic development. But, due to various factors, the opportunities they get are insufficient and inappropriate. Their parents are poor and unable to provide quality education to their children, as they are busy with daily schedules of life for their livelihood, which is of greater priority for them. Hence, the children of these families are deprived of the necessary opportunities for their education, acquisition of Life Skills and thus lead a life of dignity and rights. In this context, Development Initiatives By Social Animation (DISA) is committed to accompany the deprived children for their holistic and integrated development through planned interventions in the selected villages of Chatra District in Jharkhand.

The socio-economic context in which DISA intervenes is of poverty and child labour. Our Focus Groups are the children, women, adolescent girls and boys belonging to the Bhuiya / Ganjhu and Primitive Tribe Communities and the Dalits in Chatra District and they are generally the most marginalized and the excluded. They are not empowered to claim for their due share in the society, to have more access and control over the resources, bargaining power as well as the necessary decision-making power. They lack self-confidence and courage to stand up for their rights and entitlements. We do not see much scope for the future unless the children are better educated and equipped with necessary skills to shoulder the responsibilities of their families and villages.

There are primary schools within 3 km radius in every village. The parents, who can afford, send their children to these schools. But the children of our focus communities are kept at home for household works and they miss the classes and daily attendance. Sometimes they lack necessary books and stationery for their studies. Though there are Schools in the vicinity, they mostly lack the minimum quality and standard of education. DISA intervenes to assist the Local Schools to bring positive changes and to support the children with remedial teaching outside school hours. DISA facilitates the counselling of the parents and help them with proper and early child care and increase their economic base. Selecting a few children who are economically very weak and living in unhealthy family surroundings, DISA provides remedial coaching of short duration and residential camp and equip them to be enrolled in Schools for formal education.